
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I am back!!!!!!!!!

Hello Everybody!!!

After a week long holiday in Hobart, Tasmania, I am back fresh and energertic. Sorry for no post over a week. Could not get into the internet. They are very expensive in Hobart. Moreover, I wanted a break. It was nice catching up with old friends. Hobart was dry, very cold and windy too! Not suitable for my dry skin.

Drove around and visited some fantastic places including Cadbury Chocolate factory and bought plenty of chocolates.Yum!! I have plenty of photos to show too.

Can't wait to lay my hands on the scrapbooking stuff. Some of my orders have come. So plenty of new stuff. Yay!!!! My postie know me so well that she hid all of them behind my Rubbish bin, so I do not have to go and pick up my parcel. How nice of her? Appreciate it.

OMG!! I could not imagine I was without internet for 8 days. I am not an internet junkie after all.Hahaha!!

How is everybody doing? I still have to catch up on everything that happened last week!

Will comeback with some photos tonight.

Have a great day


  1. Great to have you back Darl!Hope you got some choccy photos

  2. Welcome back Gayatri, looks like you had a super fun holiday!!! Ohh I am so jealous about the Cadbury tour!!! And all of that delicious choc!! YUM! Love the photos too! Luv Shaz xoxo


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