
Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Sketch and a layout

Hey Everybody,

How is the day been for you?
Mine was such a boring day especially after a hectic yesterday.
It takes a while I guess to relax after few days of rough and tough days.
Was at work but was light.
Wish I had taken some scrap booking stuff to do!!! hehehe!!!

Anyway, this is a sketch by Behagguna from SB dot com.
Awesome sketch. I like the scalloped circle.
This is the sketch for Deb's challenge 4 at her forum.

And this is my take on the sketch.
I made this layout last night but had to wait until this evening to take a picture of it.

The base paper is from Scenic Route.
I have used basic Grey Bitter Sweet and Porcelain papers for layers.
I used scalloped nestabilities die to cut the scalloped circle.
Bling flourish from Prima. Similarly the flowers as well.
Photo of Aditi reading a book with so much concentration,
that she did not even know I took a picture of her!!!!
Alphas from basic Grey as well.


Yesterday I received my Kaiser Craft Mumma Bushka papers and album. Nice bright and vibrant colors. Can't wait to start on it. Maybe tonight!!!

Oh! people, Kaiser craft is calling for new Design Team.
10 positions up for grabs.
International scrappers are welcome to apply as well. Here is the link.
Give it a go.

Until next time....



  1. Oh My! Gayatri this is just gorgeous hun, love your take on the sketch and the colours you have used suit well. TFS Angie xox

  2. I'll second that motion Gay!!! This is so gorgeous!! Love what you have done with this sketch for Deb's!!
    I love Beggahuna's sketches!! I love your style of scrappin Luv Shaz xoxo

  3. Fabulous Gayatri - just love yours!!!


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