
Friday, May 22, 2009

Week 3 DT challenges at Artypants

Good morning everybody,

It feel like its been long since I post on my blog but actually its only 2 days ago I did that tutorial. I have been busy as usual with kids and I am now baby sitting a bird again!!! Moreover, I am not feeling well. Looks like I have flu. fatigue, body aches, bitter taste in the mouth.... Thankfully I took my flu shot earlier this month.
So its not very severe. Thats good:)

I have also been wondering about the weather now a days. Victoria had massive bush fire in summer and now Queensland has floods. It rained cats and dogs in one day. Apparently they received the entire year's rainfall in one day. Wow!!! thats amazing. And more importantly the drought is over. Dams are over flowing.Well, we in Western Australia would like some rain as well. Been dry for a month now. Sort of drizzled last night. Not enough though!

OK, I have also been busy scrapping. Yes, for the last of Artypants DT challenge.
This week the challenge is make up a kit for 15.00$ and make a layout using the kit.

Here is my kit

It has 2 cardstock-0.50c each= 1.00$
4 half sheet of Basic Grey Wisteria pattern paper-0.75c each = 3.00$
Half of BG alpha sticker= 2.60$
The Bambi chipboard-=- 2.75$
The grungeboard = 2.00$
The other stuff I have included in the kit are Kaisercraft 4 brads from Reminicing range. 3 buttons, 2 flowers from Green Tara, 1 from Prima and one handmade flower. One lace and doiley, a piece of BG Wisteria sticker and BG Granola rubon.All these I have estimated to be about 4.00$
The total comes to a little more than 15.00$ but good value for money.

I managed to make a layout and card out of the kit and I still have some papers leftover for a card or a negative space layout.

Here is my layout

Here is my card

The next challenge is the bonus challenge.
Here we have to do layout with step by step instructions.

The step by step for this layout can be found here.

It was fun doing all these challenges.
Unfortunately they have come to an end.
Result of the DT comp will be announced next week.
Can't wait to find out who wins :)

I have a couple of cards to show and also made some Christmas ornaments using Stampin' Up! designer papers. Will blog all of them tomorrow:)

until then....



Thank you so much for taking time to visit my blog. Appreciate your comments. They mean a lot to me!
