
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Couple of Stampin' Up! shares

Hey everybody,

Back to being nearly normal after couple of days of caring for two sick person (husband and son) at home.Visits to emergency and not good night sleep and tiredness is getting to me now. But I am glad they are getting well.
Kids are getting sick of holidays and are desparate to go back to school. 6 more days to school though! Weather is cold and miserable. No sunshine at all. House feels damp.Night temperatures are 3 degrees. Can't wait for spring and sunshine.

Anyway, I have a Stampin' Up! demo coming soon and I have been preparing for it. I printed out 'my wish list' sheets and cut them out and I wanted to make a holder to hold them rather than just giving it out So this is what I came up with

Materials used:

CS: Basic Black
DSP: Bella Rose
Stamp set: Oval All
Ink: Riding Hood Red
Tools and accessories: Oval punch, Scalloped oval punch and 4 pink brads

My second project was inspired by Lemon and Ginger tea bag packets.I looooooooove the lemon and ginger tea and while making them, I was reading through the packet and got the idea to make teabag holder. Took the measurements from the packet and made this Teabag holder

Isn't it cute? I love it. I will have to figure out how to attach it to a card.

Materials used here:

CS: Basic Black
DSP: Bella Rose
Stamp set: Circus Circle
Tools and accessories: Tag punch, scalloped circle punch, clear embossing powder, heat gun and green brad.

I am loving making these little things. They cute and fun too. If you are interested to purchase any of the materials for the above project or just the stamp set. Contact me here

There is a mini catalogue to be released on the 1st of August. As a demonstrator, I have seen it and there are cute stamp set for awesome prices. I have some of the stamp sets and they are so cute and there are stamp set matching the punch. Cool hun!
Watch out for the mini catalogue.
I will be having a launch party on the 1st of August at my home.
So contact me to come to the party.

See you soon


1 comment:

Thank you so much for taking time to visit my blog. Appreciate your comments. They mean a lot to me!
