
Monday, April 26, 2010

April PTI Blog Hop

Morning everybody,

This is my 4th time participating in PTI's bloghop. Its been fun hopping from one blog to another to see what everybody have created using a specific theme. So many inspirational projects and its a great learning process. I am loving it. I just can't wait for 25th of every month to arrive. I think its the same with all of us at PTI.
This month's theme is:
This month let's focus on tissue paper!  It has become one of the hottest trends in the paper crafting
world and we want to see you take it on!  Whether it is die-cutting it to make beautiful layered blooms,
the faux silk technique, creating layered backgrounds or even delicate stitched pleated borders, we want
to see you get creative!  And don't forget, your new stamps arrive lovingly wrapped in tissue paper each
month, so these can prove to be "free & green" projects as well!  Have fun and we look forward to
seeing all of your projects!

Tissue paper! Wow! Something I don't use frequently use. This kept me thinking and know! for a very long time. I did not come up with anything new this time but thinking certainly helped me with spending more time on the! I was struggling to run on the treadmill for more than 15 minutes continously. I can fast walk for more than an hour but running was difficult. By just thinking what other possibilities I could do with tissue paper and running on the threadmill, I realised that I had run for 30 minutes. I felt really good. There are a few ideas using tissue paper which I will experiment over time but for today's bloghop I have made a card using FAUX SILK technique.

The three panels are made using faux silk technique. I have initially stamped PTI's Text Style stamp on the cardstock panels using second generation dark chocolate ink from PTI. I have used the tissue paper which wrapped my PTI stamp sets. I cut them slightly bigger than the panel size, I stamped each of them with a stamp from PTI's New Leaf set. Then crumbled them and sponged them on the Spring Moss ink pad over and over to get even subtle coverage. I then unopened the tissue paper and adhered them to the panel cardstocks. Finally sponged the edges. The birdie is from PTI's Daily Designs stamp set, stamped with SU's Real Red ink, cut out and adhered on the finished panel. Here are some closeups.

Other products used to make this card are: PTI's Delightful Dahlia stamp set, Spring Moss button, Bitty Box Basic DSP, Dark Chocolate and Kraft cardstock all from PTI and SU's Chocolate Chip taffeta ribbon and Real Red inkpad.
Here is another card I made using the faux silk technique. This card is made at the last minute and added to the post. Again one of the idea bulb that glowed while I was on the threadmill thinking about what to do with the tissue paper. Use the faux silk technique as a background and to add texture to the card.

I stamped PTIs background basic Hearts on the tissue paper for the faux silk background. The birdie on the bamboo is from SU's Asian Artistry  hostess set colored with Sweet Blush Copic trio from PTI.
Here is the close up of the card.

Can you see the wrinkles on the tissue paper? The wrinkled tissue paper gives a nice texture on the card.
Hope you like both the cards. Thanks for stopping by. I am now off to hop and see what everybody else have created.
Happy hopping!


  1. Gayatri, Awesome cards..Loving them both..First one is my fave. I really loved how those panels turned out. Awesome!!

  2. Great job on the challenge! I love your colors and the birdie with the leaves over the text background. Simply stunning.

  3. Both cards are wonderful! Love that faux silk, need to try that!!

  4. Great job on the faux silk...I haven't tried this yet. Both cards are wonderful!! Great job!

  5. Beautiful cards! Love the faux silk you made. Looks perfect.

  6. Very pretty cards! Love the layout on your first one!

  7. These are BEAUTIFUL! I love them both! (and i like your new avatar pic too!)

  8. Both your cards are beautiful. I love the composition of them and the colors.

  9. I've never done faux silk, but your cards are both very inspireing Gayatri. THe inked edges adds a lot!

  10. Stunning cards...really love the first one!

  11. So gorgeous Gayatri! I love, love love the first card! So pretty! Nicely done as always!

  12. These are both great cards - I really like the panels on the first one. What a neat idea. Looks like all that running on the treadmill helped you out! lol

  13. Gayatri,these are beautiful! You did a fantastic job with the faux silk. And congrats on the treadmill.

  14. Beautiful! I've never gotten the hang of faux silk but you're a master. So pretty!

  15. Fabulous job with the faux silk Gayatri! I'm loving your color combos, too!

  16. Beautiful cards! Love your faux silk.

  17. the first card with the text under each panel..perfection!

  18. Very pretty cards. I think the faux silk with the asian stamps is brilliant!

  19. I love your faux silk - so subtle and beautiful!

  20. Just beautiful! I love the faux silk technique! You've done a great job here.

  21. Great cards! I absolutely love the first one!!

  22. Both of these are really BEAUTIFUL!! I love the panels on the first one, very striking!

  23. Both cards are beautiful, but must admit I really adore the PTI card!!! The silk technique looks perfect...glad you chose it after all!!! ~TFS~ Hugs ~S~

  24. Beautiful cards!! Love the faux silk.

  25. Very cool cards. I also get some of my best ideas on the treadmill or elliptical.

  26. The faux silk does add such a fun element. Way to rock the tissue paper challenge.

    It's a good life!
    Terri E.

  27. Both cards are great. I especially love the 1st one, remind me of Chinese paiting. Lovely!

  28. Love this faux silk technique! SO pretty!

  29. Beautiful cards, Gayatri. I especially like the first one -- you have me thinking of new possibilities with Turning a New Leaf and Daily Designs! Thanks for the inspiration!

  30. Both cards are lovely and use the tissue paper with such fantastic results. I love the use of color as well.

  31. The panels on the first card are just BEAUTIFUL! Faux silk is a technique I have not mastered, you did a great job with it!! congrats!

  32. Your cards are gorgeous, Gayatri! I've never tried this technique.

  33. Oh love those botanical faux silk cards with the pops of red! Love the way you created an embellie with the leaf and flower on this first one, too!

  34. Love your use of the faux silk technique! Beautiful cards!

  35. Gayatri I LOVE the cards!! and YEAH for 30 minutes on the treadmill!! :)
    Happy Hopping!

  36. Your faux silk is gorgeous!!! Stunning cards!

  37. Wow, both cards are fantastic. Love the colors used and love your use of the faux silk technique. Great job.

  38. This is really pretty. I love the 3 panels looks.

  39. Awesome job on both cards. They are both so beautiful. I love both color combos. The first card is adorable with the faux silk panels. And those birds on the second card couldn't be cuter!

  40. Beautiful cards! I LOVE the layout on the first one!!

  41. Wow, these are beautiful. The first may be fave of the whole hop!

  42. I need to mimic you and do more thinking on the treadmill. I love the faux silk look!

  43. Gayatri, your faux silk technique is just lovely. I've been afraid to try it, but I think you've pulled me out of my shell...

  44. Gorgeous! Love how you showed off the faux silk technique.

  45. This is such a great technique and your background panels are gorgeous.

  46. Very lovely- I'm going to have to give that technique a try! :)

  47. Very pretty cards!! Great job!!

  48. Very, very pretty. But I especially like the first. Would love receiving something like that. Great job!

  49. I love the green and red birds, I think without the little flower in front it would be a great Christmas card!

  50. Nice job on both of them. The first one is my favorite though!

  51. Nice faux silk. I've never tried that before.

  52. great cards! the faux silk looks incredible on each of them!


Thank you so much for taking time to visit my blog. Appreciate your comments. They mean a lot to me!
