
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

For Leslie!

Evening everybody,

I have a sympathy card today. This is for Leslie of A creative Mint blog. Melissa had mentioned in her blog that Leslie lost her dad. I don't know you personally but I am frequent visitor of your blog.I am so sorry for your loss, Leslie. My thoughts are with you.
Here is the card I made for you.
  I hope you have fond memories of your dad to cheer you. May Peace be with you.



  1. What a thoughtful thing to do. It's a beautiful card!

  2. I love the color scheme on this sympathy card. it isn't a color combo that I would have thought of for this type card and I am amazed at how well it turned out. It is a very peaceful card and I love how you brought the dot spot stamp onto the vase. Thanks for showing me that orange can go on a sympathy card! Well done.

  3. Very beautiful card and what a kind thing to do as well. I agree with you..I feel close to so many people even if I have never met them, just because I visit their blog so often.

    Gorgeous Card :)

  4. Great way to combine those sets! Love the colors you chose. This is very pretty!

  5. Gorgeous! Love the colors. So striking.

  6. That is SO thoughtful! Beautiful card...I love the colors....

  7. Pretty card. It's soft and perfect for a sympathy card.

  8. What a kind thing to do.. the card is just LOVELY!

  9. Your card is beautiful. This could be used for almost any theme. I love how you have placed the Dot Spot image on the vase.

  10. Such a pretty card Gayatri! I think you did a great job, sympathy is always so hard for me! Nice job as always!

  11. Nice card. I love how you put the dot spot on the vase, great idea!!

  12. What a fun card! I love the orange and black!

  13. How PRETTY! Love the orange and black, and love how you stamped some of the dots stamp on the vase, very creative touch!!

  14. What a beautiful sympathy card. I would NEVER have thought to make an orange sympathy card, but it looks stunning (especially with the black accents), and I am inspired.


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