
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Second post for today

I had to do this second post today. My Darling Daughter Aditi (she is 8 going on 18!) has made a card. Its school holidays now and she is very much into crafts. I have been teaching kids at school library and she would just drown herself into books for that one and half hour. But since two weeks, she is helping me out in my craft room, wanting to stamp, learning patiently when I teach her some tricks and techniques, constantly asking me how I did this!!!! So when I was making the butterfly cards, She too sat with me and made this card.

I did teach her to sponge the edges and placements of the layers. But the colors and stamping was all her. Infact the orange paper she has used in this card prompted me to team the color with SU's Soft Suede color and I ended making a card for Just-Add-Ink blog. She is so proud of herself. She too likes butterflies. And I should say, we had a great time making it. Mother daughter bonding thingy was happening. Very therapeutic huh! lol!  She would love to hear about her card. So please leave some lovely comments for her if you can. Thanks for stopping by :)


  1. OMG - that is beautiful - well done Aditi !! Clever like your Mum!! Enjoy the school holidays!

  2. Hi Aditi,

    your card is beautiful!
    Very sweet color combination.


  3. wow!! just love the card and the colours are beautiful and go so well together..well done Aditi.

  4. WOW Gayatri..she is very talented like her mother. Beautiful Card....Loved it.

  5. wow Aditi I can see where Mummy gets her great ideas from - YOU :o) Gotta love mother daughter bonding thingy happening over stamps and ink - perfect ;o)

  6. Another great card Gayatri! Nice job!

  7. Wow this is lovely! I love the colors and layout. Aditi you are so talented! My 8 year old DD loves to make cards too. Too bad we couldn't get you girls together to stamp:)

  8. Oh my goodness, look at that!! You're 8 year old made this, WOW!! Please tell her I think her card is beautiful and that she is very talented and to keep up the good work!!

  9. WOW! I love the unique placement of the butterfly stamps, and the colors here are superb! The whole thing is very eye-catching and a real stunner. Way to go Aditi!

  10. Dear Aditi,

    Your card made me smile! I love your choice of colors and the beautiful butterflies. You have done a fantastic job.

  11. I never would have paired these colors, but they are sooo pretty! VERY nice job!!

  12. Beautiful card Aditi! I look forward to the time when my little girl (19 months) will want to make cards with me!

  13. What a great card. So pretty with the butterflies in different colors.

  14. OMG, I love this!! The colors are great and I love your layout!!

  15. Aditi, this card is AMAZING! You have done a beautiful, neat job - it is perfect, and designed beautifully.


Thank you so much for taking time to visit my blog. Appreciate your comments. They mean a lot to me!
