
Friday, April 9, 2010

Sketch inspiration

I have been blog hopping again! and found many blogs showcasing sketches and card inspirations from Go To Sketches book. I particularly like this sketch and the inspiration from Geny Cassady. Here is the link for the sketch and link for the card inspiration. Its such a lovely sketch and card. I just could not get past it and had to make it for myself. I had Butterfly Dreams stamp set from PTI with me and used different butterflies and colors to make my card. Oh! sorry, not one but three cards! 
Here are my cards.

Gosh! I really like butterflies, Don't I? My daughter liked it too and she is making one on a smaller scale for her friend. Will post her card when she is done. Great sketch and inspiration. Thanks Geny! Hope you like them!
Edited: As I was surfing more, I came across a sketch challenge at Annabelle Stamps blog. Here is the link to the sketch challenge and their sketch went very well with the cards I made here. It was a surprise when I looked at it. So I instantly added these cards for the challenge. Well, in the excitment, I did not read the entire challenge rules properly (silly me!) and Andrea was kind enough to let me know that I have to link to their challenge post as its a prize week. Thanks Andrea.:)

Have a great day!


  1. I really love all of them, but the first is my favorite! Very, very cute!

  2. Oh what pretty cards!I love all three of them!!

  3. Wow, those are stunning! The first is also my favourite - I love the multi-coloured pattern.

  4. Such a simple sketch, but it looks FANTASTIC! My favourite is the first one, too - it's gorgeous.

  5. Such striking cards. How did you do the widows? Butterflies are the perfect background for the windows, too. Who doesn't like to see a butterfly out your window? Great colors as well. Love all of them.

  6. These are all SO LOVELY! I remember seeing Geny's card and really loving it!

  7. What a fantastic layout and wonderful stamping! I'm going to have to try it out.

  8. Wow! I don't even know what to say. This is just lovely. Can't wait to try that out myself!

  9. What a pretty trio of butterfly cards!! Love them! Great job on the sketch!

  10. Gorgeous cards! I love what you did with this sketch, its one of my faves from the magazine. Really nice job!

  11. Awesome designs here, but for some reaosn the second one (red/yellow) is my favorite! Just wonderful!

  12. Hi Gayatri,
    All your cards are simply gorgeous, and hard to pick one as a favourite!
    Thanks so much for including a link and for playing along with our challenge as well :)

  13. Hi Gayatri,
    All three of your cards are beautiful, it's hard to choose a favourite, their all lovely lol!
    Thanks so much for playing along with us at AnnaBelle Stamps Blog!

    Enjoy your week,
    Take Care,
    Kylie X

  14. Awesome cards!

    Thanks for playing along with us at AnnaBelle Stamps Blog!

  15. These cards are FANTASTIC!
    So inspiring and so pretty!


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