
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Buttons Buttons and more Buttons............

 Yup, I have heaps of button in my opinion! They are soooo glamorous and I cannot get past them. I always want to store them in a way that they don't loose their glam. Curvy jars take away the glam from the buttons. I was inspired by Dana's pictures on the PTI forum on how she stored her buttons. She used clear trendy tubes to store them. So I bought them and look how glamorous they look.

Don't they look gorgeous. I loove them. They are from PTI. I don't have all the colors yet. But I have a few colors left which need the tubes. So more tubes and buttons to add to my collection.
I am trying to organise my collection of scrapbooking and cardmaking materials one by one. My stash is overflowing at the moment and my kids think any junk is for cardmaking and goes on my desk. Its like "Mummy!, I have kept something on your desk which will be useful for cardmaking". OK!... It can be anything from a piece of string, rubberbands, any packaging material...... There is no place on the desk to work at the moment. So its time to clear and tidy and organise.Next will be the ribbons. I will have the pictures of them next week. 
Thanks for stopping by!

EDITED: This is my second post for today. Here is the link to the first one.


  1. Those buttons are awesome and my desk also seems to be the magnet for all things FOUNd!!!

  2. your buttons do look pretty in the tubes, I sorted mine out into colours about a month ago but they are in snaplock bags so they don't look as glamorous as yours..

  3. Love the tubes, they are soooo pretty with all the fun bright colors!

  4. Gorgeous Gayatri!
    Yours look especially good because they are against the pretty.

  5. Gayatri, I too have tons of use spice jars for them..:D But this is a neat idea. Infact Lauren Meader had a tutorial/video about these tubes when she was a DT for PTI. You should check it out on her blog sometime. Cannot wait to see the Ribbon Organization.
    I think your kids are too cute!!!

  6. Makes me wish I had my buttons organized that way. I dump them all in a giant jar and dig through them. It's kind of fun to stick my hand in there and play.

  7. Ahhhhh, so pretty! A paper crafter's candy! Love buttons!!

  8. I have two words: Yummm-mmmy!! I love how you are storing them. I may have to change from my way to yours now!!

    And that is so sweet about your kids saving everything for you. Even if it is junk. ;)

  9. Love your button storage Gayatri. Looks so colourful!

    Had a giggle at your kid's contributions to the craft stash! With your creativity, I bet you could come up with a fab card using the assortment of rubber bands, string and what not. :-)

  10. These buttons look so awesome when organized like that..such a pretty sight for sore eyes!
    I just can't seem to use ribbon or buttons in my cards! find it very hard to do so...


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