
Monday, June 7, 2010

Stitching on cards...

EDITED : I just saw I had reached 10,000 visitors on my blog. WOW! I am all excited. I should celebrate it. Will be back with something interesting tomorrow. Thank you for those of you who have visited and who visit my blog regularly.  Appreciate it very much.

Well, I have a sewing machine but I am just lazy to use it on cards. Thats because, the room in which the sewing machine is kept is very very cold at the moment. Silly excuse, I know. Thats why I tried to do hand stitching. Here is the card. Can you see the stitching?

I have used a lot of products on the card from my old stash. The pattern paper, Prima flowers, Basic Grey stickers, chipboard, brads and the ribbon. The cardstocks are from PTI. The bird stamp set is from SU. Its a hostess set.The stamp set on the purple cardstock and the sentiment is from PTI. I was having a conversation with my husband across the dining table and making this card. Added this and that and the end result is this.A Multilayer card!  I am entering this card for this week's Just Add Ink- Add Stitching challenge as well.
 OK! I have guest for evening tea and got to make samosas. Have a great evening!
See you soon.


  1. Absolutly Gorgeous love xx

  2. This card is so interesting and beautiful Gayatri, I love all the different elements you've used here, and the wonderful colors!!

  3. WOW, so unique! I see the stitching and am impressed it was hand done. Congrats on reaching 10k!

  4. stunning card g,hope the family are all well,hugs chrisxxx

  5. Just lovely! I do see the stitching--how rich it looks done by hand!

  6. Lovely card! I love sewing on cards but am often too lazy to pull out the machine and thread the needle. I'm impressed with your hand stitching!

  7. Love the hand stitching - what a beautiful way to frame the card. Cheers, Sue

  8. Love it to bits, Gayatri! Thanks for playing!! xx


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