
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Christmas cards.....

I have a huge number of Christmas cards to make. I am sure all of you do too! Just got a bit panicky because, when I tried to make the card, I just could not get it right! My mojo for christmas cards left me! So I have decided to give up participating in challenges for a little while and focus on making Christmas cards. I have started making them. Here are the first couple of Christmas cards I made for this year.

I am not so very happy with them. Love the background part of the card but the focal panel is what I am not happy about.  But some of my friends liked it. And that gave me some confidence. So I made another set Hehe! Here are they...

I feel better about these ones. I am getting there, I think! Then I made these three...

I love these these. Just love the layers of stamped images and the ornament with the rhinestones look so much beautiful and festive. In total I have about 200 cards to make. Its a good start don't you think! I just need a few sketches to mass produce Christmas cards. When I find them, I need is make prototypes and then mass produce cards...

OK! I have to go now. My daughter is preparing to go for a sleepover at her friend's house. I have to make sure she has taken all she needs. I will miss her tonight at home. It will be a lot quieter. But I am sure she will have a lot of fun with her friend and just can't stop talking about it tomorrow morning. mmmm! lol!
Alright, see ya soon...


  1. Gorgeous card sets, Gayatri. Beautiful colors and designs. I really like the second set and will definitely CASE that one. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. My fav is the second set of three, definitely. I love that set of stamps. Hmmmm......gotta add to my list of PTI 'wants', I guess.

  3. The 2nd and 3rd are my absolute favorites..maybe giving a thin mat of black around the focal panel might lift it out of the heavy background..just my humble idea..but I do love the background on the first card..and the other two are gorgeous in their colors!!

  4. They are all awesomely created to suit the celebrations..... I loved the 3rd in particular.... It is so lovely that I am floored.... :)


  5. WOW you ARE hard at work girl! I like them all, honestly, but the ones in the middle are my favorite. Love the off-set trees.

  6. These are gorgeous!!! WOW Gayatri! I love these!

  7. All of these are adorable! I really love the ones with the ornaments! So pretty!


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