
Sunday, October 3, 2010

JAI #37

A nice Sunday. I was surfing the web today and found this card by Dawn  Olchefske on SCS. Such a gorgeous card. I love how Dawn used the clear block and got the shadow frame. Very clever.She has a video on how she made it on her blog.
I wanted to give it a go and used JAI #37 color challenge to do mine. Here are the colors of the challenge.

Here is my take...

I don't have SU's Always Artichoke ink or paper with me. But I had the marker pen. I painted my clear block with Always Artichoke maker pen to get the shadow frame. But that did not work out. All it did was to give a very rustic effect on the Confetti Cream cardstock. I decided to use the effect anyway. All the background stamping are second generation and third generation stamping using Always Artichoke marker pen, Pumpkin Pie,Old Olive, Rose Red inks and SU's Extreme Element stamp set and PTI's Leaf Prints stamp set. The edges are distressed and inked  using the same colors. 
The leaves are cut using PTI's  Leaf Print dies and stamped using PTI's Leaf Print Stamps with Always Artichoke marker pen  and Pumpkin Pie ink. The flower is made using Butterfly punch punched out of Confetti White cardstock, which are inked using Rose Red and Pumpkin Pie inks, layered and secured with an antique brad.The sentiment is from PTI's Embellishements stamp set.
Not what I expected it to be when I started making it. I wanted to keep it simple but I got carried away while making it. I did not get the shadow frame effect using the clear block. But loved the rustic effect it created. I like the card a lot. Its so different. No patternpaper used. Just inks and stamps with white and cream paper. Thanks Dawn Olchefske for the inspiration and thanks JAI for the colors.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Great use of the challenge colours Gayatri

  2. It may not be what you wanted - but it is still stunning as always - very gorgeous Gayatri

  3. Gayatri this is BEAUTIFUL! I LOVE it!!!!
    Have a GREAT day!

  4. I love what you have done with this, love the Extreme Elements with the leaves.

  5. This is so beautiful! You've made the colours look completely different!

  6. Incredible distressing and inking here. WOW.

  7. LOVE the rustic look of your card, Gayatri; it is really beautiful, and just so "you". Fantastic take on JAI's colour challenge!

  8. wow your card turned out so well, you know your an inspiration to me. you have such a fantastic take on your card making well done

  9. This is just stunning Gayatri!

  10. Love all the mix of colours and distressing techniques Gayatri, very pretty card!


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