
Friday, October 15, 2010


 Last night, while my husband was doing his tax returns, I made chirstmas tags :) We share a room, he has his office on one end, my kids have their music instruments on another end and I take one whole side of the room for craft. We had good time talking and doing our own things. I made 3 sets of christmas tags. Here they are.




Aren't they beautiful.I love the first one. That set came out really easy and look lovely. I love the blue ones for its colors and the traditional ones are traditional! lol! They are all up for sale. Email me if you are interested.

I have some new goodies and definitely have to play with it this afternoon. I also want to make a card for JAI's depression awareness challenge.Beautiful challenges at JAI. So I will logg off now. Take care and have fun!



  1. They are all lovely..... My personal favorites are the second set.... because of the color.... It feels like there is something mysterious about those trees there..... Ah! I love the feeling.... Hugs)))))


  2. Gosh....these are gorgeous, Gayatri. The second one is my favorite. I love the blue. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. Oh wow..those ARE gorgeous!! I have never made tags, but I would love to make some of these. You really did a great job on them.

  4. These are WONDERFUL Gayatri! I especially love the blue trees, I've always been partial to blue at Christmas!

  5. You never fail to amaze me! beautiful tags, I especially love the second one, blue tree, totally love it!

  6. Those blue trees are just gorgeous!!! Did you make the patterned paper or is that design paper? Either way.......just stunning!!!

  7. Oh my.....These are just beautiful! I love the blue trees with the embossed polka dots and how you added the flourishes to the trees....looks like snow flurries!

  8. These are all gorgeous but my very favorite is the blue one. I gasped out loud when I saw it!

  9. Thanks for leaving a comment on my card so I could come to your blog and see these FABULOUS tags! You are certainly WAY ahead of me on the holidays! Love each and every one of them. If i could get Halloween and Thanksgiving done, maybe I could start on Christmas!!!

  10. I love the blue ones..they're just divine..there's something magical about them!

  11. Oh my gosh, what cute tags! These turned out great Gayatri, and what great colours too!


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