
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Organizing smaller dies

I have been thinking a lot about organizing my smaller dies mainly PTI and Spellbinders Nesties. When I was digging a box in the garage, I found a new photo album. I decided to use it and some of my scrap papers and magnet tape to organize the dies. Here are the pictures.

My dies were in a box previously and was so hard to go through and pick what I wanted! Now its all so handy inside a photo album. Very easy to look through and take what I want. There are heaps of space left for new dies :) Similarly, I have my embossing folders and larger dies in A5 folder.

Go for a smaller photo album as the album expands when you put in the dies. I used my 100 pocket album and it is bulky when the cardstock, magnet tape and the dies are added!
Tomorrow I will share my two completed gift hampers for my kid's teachers. Thanks for stopping by!
Have a great weekend:)



  1. Brilliant idea. I dont have many dies as yet so a corner of my drawer is enough.....for now.

  2. What a great way to store your dies, Gayatri. I have to organize my dies too, and this seems a great solution.

  3. I love your idea. I have my brass stencils in a photo album like this (less the magnet) but I never thought to use this system for my PTI dies. Thanks for the idea


  4. Absolutely fantastic idea, Gayatri! It's also very easy to "grab and go" if you would need to take it somewhere. Lovely idea.

  5. I envy the collection... :( But sincerely NEIGHBORS ENVY OWNERS PRIDE!!!! AWESOME!!!!


  6. I LOVE this idea Gayatri.. just last night mine were tipping over.. and I had to SCOLD them! LOL!! I THINK I need to try this fun idea!!!!
    Have a WONDERFUL weekend! Look forward to seeing your Hamper Post!

  7. Great idea! Not only can you see the dies better you can just take the album along with you if you make cards with a friend. Thanks for sharing.

  8. This is a super idea - I've tried so many storage 'solutions' that just seem to create more problems. this looks like it could be the answer! thanks for showing your 'book' of dies!!

  9. This is simply the best storage idea I have seen for dies!!! Fabulous! Thanks for sharing!!!!

  10. That's an amazing idea Gayatri!! Love it!!!

  11. What a great idea for storing the dies!!! It's the best one I've seen so far!

  12. I'm here from the PTI forum...I LOVE this idea! Thank you for sharing :)


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