
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Recipe Box #1

Morning everybody,

I have made a recipe box as one of the gift in the Thank You hamper for my DD Aditi's class teacher. She has worked really hard and lost more than 60 kgs this year and looks fit and fabulous. She goes to gym and does dieting as well. So I decided to give her a recipe box with a few of my vegetarian recipes in them and a few black cards. Here is finished box for you.

 I have combined PTI's pattern paper, recipe cards and egg box with SU stamp set to make it. The flower stamp set on the recipe cards and the "Recipes" label on the top of the box is from Waltingmouse stamps. So easy to make. One Soap opera on TV is enough to finish two boxes. I had "Days of our Lives" on TV and completed two boxes. You don't have to concentrate on those soap operas to know whats happening, you know!. Nothing actually happens in an episode lol! I actually don't follow them but I like them running on the background while I work... lol!

Will have a second post today with the other box. My camera battery ran out half way through the photo shoot.... lol!  Its hot and humid today. Hoping rain will come. Got to go now. Need to do some paper work and start packing :)

Have a great day!

Gayatri ( lost my siggy!!!!)


  1. Such a beautiful box and a great gift! She will love it!

  2. This is so pretty! The paper is so bright and cheery, perfect for a kitchen!

  3. This is a lovely box! I really like the layers and colors of the dividers. :)

  4. I also love the soaps running in the background... plus, you can miss MONTHS at a time and never really MISS anything! But on to important matters: your recipe box is darling. I love the bright colors and combined elements. I don't think I can whip them up quite as fast as you, but I just might try! ;)

  5. This is such a great box. Love it.

  6. I just love your recipe box. How kind of you to even include some of your favorites. I think she'll love it.

  7. Such a fantastic project.... Loved the vibrancy in it & the PERFECTION!!! Hugs))))


  8. Ah Gayatri, you inspire me yet again. I've been meaning to make a recipe box for ages now and yours is just stunning. What a gift!

  9. thats really cool and a fab present!


  10. What a thoughtful, personal and BEAUTIFUL gift!!

  11. Wow, what a project!! I love all the little details....You outdid yourself!

  12. Beatutiful recipe box! What a great gift!!

  13. I LOVE this one too!! The colors are FANTASTIC! Such a thoughtful gift!!!


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