
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Light Pink, Yellow and Neutral!!!

I have a quick post today. I made a card using CR84FN46 colour challenge
Here is the challenge for you

Very pretty colours. Love them. Here is my take on the challenge.

I choose my neutral as Sand Sahara from SU. Looks like Kraft on the photo!!!
I have been reading a book called Before & After -  How to design. Great book! I have finished the first chapter about layout, colours and typeface. So decided to use a few fundamentals on this card like framing, focal image @ or above eye level and to get typeface that matches the focal image...
My dear hubby downloaded this book on iPad and gave it to me to read. Sweet huh!  I did a course on interior designing long time ago. So all info on colours are coming back to me now. Anyway, cannot wait to read the second chapter.
Cardstock: Stamper's Select white and Lemon Tart from Papertrey Ink, Sand Sahara from SU.
Stamp sets: YOF- Mums from Papaertrey Ink and Spring POst from Wplus9
Inks: Colourbox Frost White Ink and Stazon Black Ink
Accessories: White embossing powder, heat gun, Pearls and Book Print Impression Plate from Papertrey Ink

 I really need to go to Woolworths to buy veggies and groceries!
Thanks for visiting. See you soon.

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  1. So beautiful. I like how you really emphasized the yellow. I'm going to try to find that book you read. It looks like a good one. I can't believe I have never seen that book print IP before. What a great companion to the dear jane paper I just ordered.

  2. WOW! What a stunning card Gayatri! That yellow blossom is like a burst of sunshine! The pink pearls sprinkled about add a delicate touch! Thanks for joining along with CR84fN :)

  3. This is another lovely, clean design!! Al the elements work so well together. I might have a look for that book too - I'd be interested in reading it.

  4. Absolutely stunning! I love the embossed detail on the backing, the flower is gorgeous and the pink pearls are super! Thanks for playing along with CR84FN!


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