
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Butterfly frame

What a gorgeous Sunday! Love that the weather has cooled down. We mowed the lawn this morning, spoke of parents, gave Charlie a bath, cleaned the house a bit, washed clothes and cooked lunch. Great day so far. Just sat down and so I thought I will share a butterfly frame I made some time ago when Moxie Fab had the Map to the Heart challenge. Just did not have the time to post and then realised the challenge was over. Anyway, here is the frame :)

map butterfly frame

I love maps and this looks awesome in real. I want to print more maps and make a few more butterflies, birdies, rolled flowers frames. I need to look at my dies to see what other shapes can be made :) Hoping to make a few projects this afternoon. Thanks for stopping by!
Have a great Sunday :)

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  1. Your map butterflies are so colorful. Beautiful framed project.

    P.S. Haven't seen a photo of Charlie in a little while. Hint, hint.


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