
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Gilded Lily Award

I am going to brag today because I am given the rights to unlimited bragging (giggle). I saw a few comments congratulating me on my win at Lily Pads Blog. So I went over to the blog and scrolled down. I saw my card and I don't know what came upon me that I closed the page. I think I didn't expect it as a winner and also it has been sometime since I made this card. After a few minutes, I went back to the blog and re read it again. I am honoured and humbled that this card of mine is picked as a winner :) 
Thank you so much.

Thank You card

I also get a $25 gift certificate fro Purple Onions Designs. This will be my first buy from them. I have seen a few fantastic projects made using their stamps. Very excited. Cannot wait to choose some of their stamps :)

I did promise to blog about my opinion on The Hunger Games Movie today. It has been a busy and long day. I am hoping after dinner I will get sometime with my laptop to blog. So hopefully another blog post coming soon :)
See you soon!

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  1. Congratulations Gayatri on your win!!! This one was so very well deserved;)

  2. congrats on your win Gayatri! and thank you for sharing your amazing cards!

  3. Congrats on your win Gayatri...your card looks simply gorgeous!!!

  4. Congratulations!!! You deserve it. Your work is absolutely amazing. You have become one of my favorite artists.

  5. Congrats! You deserve it :) curious to read about your thoughts on Hunger Games!

  6. Congratulations. This is a beautiful card, and you totally deserve to win. Have fun with your prize.

  7. Congrats on your win! This is beautiful! Thanks for the laugh on how you initially closed out the page, too funny!


Thank you so much for taking time to visit my blog. Appreciate your comments. They mean a lot to me!
