
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Inspired by Pinterest

Hello Everybody,

Its another Inspired By Pinterest fun challenge time :) 
Here is this week's inspirational picture

I love the layout of this invitation. So I took the layout and the colours are my inspiration and made my card.

I also wanted a modern version although the inspirational picture is classy and elegant. So used PTI's Dot Spots Stamp set to make my card instead of doilies. 
Now it is your turn. If you are inspired by the invitation and have some time to make a project, then why not blog it or post it in a gallery and link it here? I would love to see your take on it.

I would like to thank all of them who participated in last week's challenge. Your cards are gorgeous.What I have done is I have pinned the inspirational picture and all the entries including mine into my Pinterest board called Inspirational challenge. So you can go back and see the picture and projects for more inspirations later on.

Can't wait to see your project :)

Pin It


  1. This is amazing! I just pinned your card for my own inspiration. Love the color combo, balance, and clean look of the design.

  2. I haven't made that forray into Pinterest as of yet so I am not up on all that good stuff. But I do know that your card is such a delight. So clean and modern. Love the composition. Another winner here!

  3. Oh how lovely! I have GOT to try this now. I got Dot Spot ages ago, cos I liked what the DT did with it, and since then I have never used it, couldn't figure out HOW to IRL.. so now I have fresh inspiration, thanks so much for sharing! I love it.

  4. it's absolutely gorgeous and I can't wait to play along.

  5. You have such a great eye and your blog is full of wonderful creations! Love this card, the colors and sketch are beautifully done!

  6. More fabulous inspriation! Love your modern take and the way you have embossed the card is awesome!

  7. ohh what a lovely card gayatri! fab color combo, love it totally

  8. Hi gayatri i have pinned my creation :)

  9. Hi gayatri i have pinned my creation :)

  10. Hi gayatri i have pinned my creation :)


Thank you so much for taking time to visit my blog. Appreciate your comments. They mean a lot to me!
