
Monday, March 26, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

For past few days, I have been humbled and honoured by the generosity of some talented crafters who have awarded me with the Leister Blog Award.
Here is the list of  talented crafters who have awarded me this award.

Your work is gorgeous and you are all very talented. Love all your work. I enjoy visiting your blogs and seeing all your amazing projects and certainly learn something new. Thank you so much for nominating me for the award :)

I hope I have not missed anybody. I went through my list but if I have missed anybody, please remind me and I will definitely add your name to the list.
The idea of the Liebster Blog Award is to spread the love from one small blog (under 200 followers) to other small blogs. This helps to spread knowledge and readership.

To accept the award, you must:
1) Link back to the person who gave it and thank them for thinking of you.
2) Post the award to your blog.
3) Give the award to 5 bloggers (with less than 200 followers) that you appreciate and value.
4) Leave a comment on the blogs of the five people you have chosen to let them know.

 It is hard choosing just 5, isn't it?
 Nevertheless, here are my chosen 5

1. Deb
2. Euna
4. Susie

The work all these crafters are just wonderful and I always find some great techniques or fantastic colour combinations when I visit their blogs. So please visit their blog and leave them some love :)

Thanks so much for visiting and see you soon :)
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  1. Well deserved once again. Your are a superlative crafter Gayatri, there is no doubt. I, too, awarded it to you in early March. So sorry you missed it. Hugs.

  2. Oh Jen! I am so sorry. I do remember now. My mistake. Apologise. I will add your name to the list now :)

  3. Thank you thank you so much!! It means so much to me!!
    Hugs across the miles!!


  4. Awww thank you so much Gayatri :) I'll be sure to link you back too!

  5. Thank you so much Gayatri, I am honoured that you thought of me for the award! I am such a fan of yours and just wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you for all the inspriation, you are SUPER talented!


Thank you so much for taking time to visit my blog. Appreciate your comments. They mean a lot to me!
