
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Never made it!

Here are couple of card, I made using last week's Freshly Made Sketches but forgot to post it on the blog!!! Cheez! where did all the time go?  Time just flies with couple more of people around in the house, one of them sick and kids having swimming competition. By the time, I finish all the work, driving kids around, taking care of the sick, cooking and cleaning, the day is gone (shocking!) Now I am sick with throat infection and fever :( Anyway, here are those cards.



And this is the sketch I have used.

Sorry for not putting in the supply list. I really want to rest at the moment.Back is aching too.
 I will try and update with supply list as soon as I can.

Thanks for visiting :)

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  1. So sorry you are feeling sick. I hope you are well soon. Your cards are just beautiful today, as always.

  2. Time is flying by... can't believe we're in March already!
    These cards are fabulous, Love those doilies! Hope you feel better real soon.

  3. Very pretty and clean as usual! Love the patterned paper on the first one. Get well soon!

  4. FAB cards! I do hope you feel better soon. Hugs xx


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