
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

MIM # 62

Hello everybody,

Gosh! good to be back home. But that means a lot work! Yes, today has been crazy. had to bring Charlie my puppy from Pet Motel, he has diarrohoea. Looks like he missed us a lot. Moreover, our town had thunderstorm yesterday and he did not cope well with other dogs barking. Then lots of washings, shopping for groceries, taking kids to music lessons and on the top of all this, I also had house inspection! So massive cleaning.  All done and dusted now. Have a headache now but atleast all work is done and Charlie is much better.

I had making cards for MIM #62, on my list to do for today. That was one of the reasons why I finished all my other jobs quickly and systematically. Time Mamagement aha! I found some time this afternoon to make my Make It Monday Challenge #62 - Step It Up, Layering. Check it out, Betsy has loads of information in the video. Will definitely be useful.

I picked this sketch from Clean and Simple Stamping blog because I could not play this sketch and it is one of my favourite sketch. I used this sketch as the base for my take on MIM.

Here is my take on the challenge.
 This is the first one layer card.

Here is the second card where I added couple of layers.

The final card where I have added more layers and embellishments :)

Here are all the three cards together

I wanted to keep it Clean and Simple yet steping up layers. I think I have achieved it :)
I throughly enjoyed playing this challenge :) Thanks you so much for the challenge and also stopping by! See you soon.

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  1. Really awesome work. Love all three.

  2. I love the way you moved from such a gorgeous CAS card to a stunning layered card.

  3. Wow, these are amazing. I like each one just as much as the other! This really was a great challenge.

  4. Your cards are simply Gorgeous Gayatri. Love how you used the video technique. TFS

  5. WOW I love it, they are all stunning!!

  6. All three levels are beautiful, Gayatri.

  7. Nice job on "stepping it up". I like all three cards but, being a CAS girl, I really love the simplicity of the first one. And that sketch is awesome. Gonna have to make something using that one.

  8. This is absolutely perfect for the challenge. It's really interesting to see the card evolve. I like them all, and can't pick a favorite if I tried.

  9. All are stunning! Great job on the challenge.

  10. Love your cards, especially the first 2. And your choice of sketchn is one I want to try.

  11. Gorgeous cards.all three of them.

  12. Wow you had a long day! Great job on the cards! I love the second layered one. Very elegant as usual :)

  13. Just wonderful! Love them all!!!!

  14. Excellent progression, Gayatri! Simply stunning all the way through to the most detailed card!

  15. You rocked this challenge! Excellent job!

  16. These are fantastic Gayatri! My fave is the OLC version!

  17. Love how you colored in the dahlias. They look beautiful.

  18. Love the orange! My fave is the last one with the blue backgrounds... but they're all so stunning.

  19. Wow, Gayatri! You sure did step it up! I was happily absorbing the first two when the third hit me with a pow! Looking over everyone's entries to this challenge, I'm discovering that my love for one-layer is true and deep. I love the simplicity of your first card (although the other two are amazing, too!).

  20. Gorgeous set of cards. Love all the variations. Great sketch too!

  21. wow!!! All 3 are gorgeous! And I love how you stepped each one up!

  22. Three stunning cards, Gayatri! Amazing how each one feels so different.

  23. Great cards! I spotted you on PTI fb shout out. :) I like your style!

  24. Beautiful cards as always, Gayatri! Putting the whole idea onto a colored card base really stepped it up! I love each one.

  25. Lovely cards ... those simple ones are so hard to do! The second is my favorite. Love the bright orange against the white background!

  26. all three cards are beautiful. That is a really nice sketch I can see why u like it.

  27. Gorgeous! You did a fantastic job.


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