
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Marbleized Tie n Dye Technique.

Hello everybody, 

I found some time this afternoon to play using a techniques tutorial shown at Stamp-a Faire at Papertrey Ink. T his tutorial is called Marbleized Tie n Dye.
Well, I went through my husband's vanity and did not find shaving cream! Found only shaving gel! What a disaster? I am not going to buy a shaving cream. So I decided to try using the gel. To my surprise, it did work. I loved the marble effect. So cool and looked like modern art. Wow!
 I made a set of cards using the marbleized panels

 I have used Sweet Blush and Aqua Mist reinkers to get my marbleized effect.

 I love the silhouette Life and Larger than Life images on the marbleized background.

This panel here was my trial panel and I love the subtle effect on it. Great technique. I have to try using with other colour combinations. After all I will have to buy shaving cream lol!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Have a great weekend!

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  1. Um, in a word: WOW!

    This is so cool. I have no idea what this technique involves but your killer cards have me excited to give it a go. Love the colours and the over all effect. Kudos!

  2. AWESOME Gayatri!!! I loved that challenge too - heaps of messy fun! Lol

    Your cards are lovely!


  3. Love these!! I only had shaving gel as well but it worked out ok. Hope you are doing well! <3

  4. wonderful cards and I really like the shillouette of of the flowers against the tye-dye background

  5. Just gorgeous! Love each one of your beautiful cards!

  6. Wow, how beautiful - I didn't try this one (no shaving cream) but I off to shop today to get some! Absolutely beautiful colour combo too :)

  7. The pink and green combination turned out great! I love how you stamped the flowers over the tie dye pattern. Looks awesome!


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