
Monday, August 27, 2012

Bragging time today:)

G' Morning! It is Mad Monday today. After a very long day at Music Awards yesterday, I am still exhausted. Kids off to school and hubby to work. Cooking lunch at the moment. So I thought I will share some photos from Music Awards yesterday. Ready for a photo heavy post?


Siddarth got his trophy for Under18 Fretted Strings and Aditi received hers for Under 11 Piano. Aditi also came second in her singing. Both very happy. I love when they told me that it was their everyday practices that got them where they are right now. Proud parent moment:)

Normally I don't post personal photos on my blog. But these ones are special. So Thanks for sharing my excitment:)

See you soon!
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  1. Congrats proud Mommy...yours kiddos did an Awesome job!!!

  2. Congratultaions!! Mom is so talented so its obvious that kids will be as talented :)

  3. and a proud Mama you should be. What outstanding accomplishments for your children Gayatri! I strongly believe that success starts at home. Congratulations all!

  4. Congratulations to your kids! Well done!!

  5. Such amazing children! Well done to them, and thanks for sharing these great photos!

  6. Great photos. Congrats to your kids. Taking after their Mom in being talented!

  7. Wonderful photos Gayatri and a big huge congrats to your children!

  8. Great accomplishments. congrats to Siddarth and Aditi! It must be very satisfying to see them reach these goals.

  9. Congratulations to your son and daughter for their achievements. And congrats to you as the proud mother.

    I love Aditi's floral dress. I see a "card inspiration" from those flowers and colors. :)

  10. So happy for you and the kids. I love that they admitted it was the daily practice! That just makes all those days of "Aw, Mom, not right now, do I have to?!" worth it!

  11. Congrats to both the kids and the Mommy :) I know how you must be feeling right now...Its such a great feeling. Sweet photos.

  12. how totally awesome. big congrats to both of them.

    hugs :)

  13. Brag away, Gayatri :) Congratulations to Siddarth and Aditi - no wonder you feel so proud :)

  14. Congrats to the kiddos. Of course you're a proud mama. Who wouldn't be?! :)

  15. Congrats to the talented kiddos Gayatri. that is just awesome. Loved seeing the pictures.

  16. Congratulations to a proud mum & your kids too, they are fantastic achievements. Love the photo of all 3 of you together & I love the pattern on the outfit your wearing! Hugs Bev x

  17. You should be a proud mum - what a *wonderful* day for you to remember sincere congratulations to you all!

  18. Congratulations to Siddarth and Aditi, Gayatri! Go ahead and brag, you should be proud! :-) I'm a proud music-Mum as well (my eldest plays piano and violin and the little one sings non-stop).

  19. Brag away!!! You must be so proud!!!

  20. Kudos to all of you! Not to take away from all the kids' hard work, but it definitely takes commitment from the whole family to get to these moments. Way to go!


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