
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Miss You!

Hey everybody,

How is the weekend? Mine is very hectic at the moment. A bit overwhelmed making phone calls and driving in and out of the house for lessons, shopping, guest for lunch, music practise..... I decided to take an hour off to rest before everything restarts. I decided to blog during my rest time:)

Does this card look familiar? It should be, especially if you are familar with Hero Arts stamps. I recently bought this Hero Arts/ Studio Calico Stamp set called Heyday Sentiments. This how the stamp set looks like.

I just loved how the sentiments were arranged on the set.  I wanted to replicate it but highlight the sentiment I wanted. Thats exactly what I have done on my card. I have left out the last two sentiment as it did not fit the card dimensions.
 I used SU's Soft Suede ink to stamp my sentiments and heat embossed the popped up sentiment. I also sponged the edges with white craft ink to give the dreamy feel to the card. I loved how my card turned out. Hope you do too!
Well, I started off writing this blog post about 1.00PM taking that one hour rest. But by the time I am typing this bit, time is 8.00PM :( I didn't get that one hour rest. I had an unexpected guest drop by and by the time I came back to complete this post, it is 8.00 in the evening. I am exhausted. But I survived today. Hoping tomorrow is relaxed.

Thanks for stopping by!

Have a great day!

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  1. i ADORE this! such a fun idea, Gayatri :) thanks so much for playing along at A Blog Named Hero

  2. I love how you used the sentiment set to create this cool card. Thanks for joining us at A Blog Named Hero

  3. Good luck finding that 'hour' today. Great monochromatic design!

  4. What a clever card! I love the whole idea of it :) Way to get the most use out of a sentiment set! Thanks for playing along with us at A Blog Named Hero!


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