
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cool Friends Warm Wishes:)

Hello Everybody,

Quick post today, sharing a card I made for Lawnscaping Challenge #42
Here is my cards for the challenge.

You must be wondering where I added text apart from the sentiment. 
Here is  the closeup of the two snowmen and I stamped 'Cool friends'  on both of them. 

Aren't they both look cool together? Love tis set from Lawn Fawn. Infact I love all the sets from Lawn Fawn. lol! Great to colour and cute images. Just bought a few more sets:)

Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. This is so cute! I love how you softly added the text in the cute snowmen! Such a fun card :)

  2. ooh - i love the subtle text on the snowmen! The whole card is fantastic - love the icy blue and green mix. Thanks for playing along with us at lawnscaping!

  3. Oh this is so so sweet Gayatri!

  4. Oh how cute is this card! I saw the little thumbnail and had to open this up right away! Love it. Love the layer, the texty snowmen, your coloring, your sentiment strip and the embossing. Basically, the whole darn thing!

    Thanks for geting texty with us Lawnscaping gals!

  5. FAB use of text on the snowman... glad you showed me, I'm a little slow on the uptake.

  6. Hehe, LF stamp sets satisfies my need to color :D I like the text on the snowman body, super fun!

  7. Oh my gosh, that text is awesome! I love this :)

    Annie Rose

  8. Sweet card Gayatri! I love the textured background and your colouring is fab.

  9. soo cool...!! love your color choices for the snowmen & the embossed background for the perfect icy feeling...& the banner makes it looks so sweet. Thank you for playing with us at Lawnscaping

  10. Love the cool colors and the subtle text on the snowmen!! Cute card! Thanks for playing with us at Lawnscaping!! :)


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