
Friday, October 19, 2012

Say it with.....

Wow! It is Friday already? Days are flying by so so quickly. Movers came in and has given us quotes. Need to decide on one of them. Trouble is all quotes are in the same range:( Makes the decision very confusing!

Anyway, You know what Friday means, don't you?  Yay! thats it!
Yes, it is time for another AnnaBelle Stamps Say it with.... challenge.
This week say it with a kid's cards:)

Here is mine.

I decided to make a colourful and interactive kid's card. The centre circle with the circular senitment and cake is on a wobber. So it wobbles. Here is a close up.

And here is the inside of the card. I die cut a rolled flower die and use it as my spiral to mount the party hats. A surprise and fun element for the kid when he/she opens  the card.

The stamp set I have used on my card is called Boys Party from AnnaBelle Stamps. Do you like it? Do you want to see more kid's card? Then click on AnnaBelle Stamps Blog to see more kid's project by the rest of the DTs.

If you make a kid's card, then why don't you enter your project on the linky @ AnnaBelle Stamps Blog? Because one lucky winner will receive $10 gift certificate from AnnaBelle stamps

Cannot wait to see your kid's card:)

Thanks for stopping by!

See you very soon.

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  1. This is so bright and fun! Love those bold stripes :)

  2. AWESOME card, Gayatri! LOVE the bright colours and I love the 'surprise' when you open your card, just Awesome!

    Take Care,
    Kylie X

  3. WOW!!! Another FABULOUS card! Such fun and cool design and I so admire you talent for CAS - perfect stamping too!

  4. Cards with wobbly bits are sooo cool! Any kid would love it!

  5. Perfect interactive card .....bright and colourful too which any child would love!

  6. Kid's just love 'action' cards, so this is perfect, especially with the hats on the inside!

  7. This is so cute Gayatri, just love it!!


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