
Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Craft's Meow Preview Day #4

Welcome to the final day of The Craft's Meow Preview.

the craft's meow.

Today's set is called Zoom Goes My Heart by Karen B. Oh You will love this set. You have not seen anything like this before. Atleast I have not. I bet you will love this set.

Here is my take on the stamp set.

You like what you are seeing? I told you :) Do you want to win it? Then head over to The Craft's Meow Blog and leave a comment to enter into a draw to win this set. You have until 9.00PM Pacific Daylight Time (USA) to comment.

Join me tomorrow for exciting Blog Hop:)
 Thanks so much for stopping by!


Thank you so much for taking time to visit my blog. Appreciate your comments. They mean a lot to me!
