
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Another digital card!

Second digital card for today. I have played along Jackie Rockwell's  ocking out the digis CAS card challenge. This is a new challenge and the first.


Jackie has few digital images on her blog to use for the challenge. For more details check out Jackie's Blog 
I made two cards using the digital images. Here is the first card.

I have used photoshop to resize and group the flowers and also fill them with colours. Same with the "HAPPY" sentiment as well. I printed the images out and trimmed to use on the card.

Here is the second card.

 I used photoshop to repeat the sentiments and filled with blue ombre colours. I have also added the flowers and coloured them as well. Here is a closeup of the ombre colours in the sentiment. Hope you can see it!

Jackie's Blog has a linky if you use her images and make a card, make sure you link it:)

Edited: I am entering this card into the Card Creations Week- The Ombre Challenge at the Moxie Fab World

Thanks for stopping by! If you like to read my first post, click here!

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  1. Gayatri you sure did ROCK out the digis!!! Photoshop is the perfect tool for creating digi or hybrid cards.LOVE the way you made a bouquet in the first card and repeated the images in the second! Great color combo too! Thanks for playing along.

  2. So cool how you used the image so differently,they are both wonderful, colors are fabulous, thanks so much for sharing, and have a great weekend..

  3. Your cards are so pretty! I love how vibrant the colors are. Found you on Pattern Play.

  4. You REALLY brought on the COLOR. A color stampede. Georgeous!

    Vibrant as a great big smile!

  5. Really beautiful, love the very gradual colour intensity.

  6. Gayatri, both cards are super AMAZING! You definitely ROCKED the digis! Love the color hues and the repeated pattern in the second card. Wow!

  7. Both are fabulous, love the vibrancy of the colours! Anita :)

  8. Hey Gayatri! Thanks for linking this up to the Ombre Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)


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