
Friday, November 15, 2013


Good morning everybody,

Remember me telling you that I made three cards for a special feature on a blog. Yes, I am featured as Featured artist/designer at Papercrafterslibrary dot com. Here is the link to the feature :

Here are the cards that came together in an hour. These are not my usual CAS style. I am loving the layering style and getting used to pattern papers and embellishments. So these are out of my comfort zone and I love how they turned out. Proud of them to be honest :)

Let me know what you think?

Thanks for visiting.

 photo gayatri_signature_zpsac2827ca.png


  1. They may not be your usual style but you do them beautifully. They are each lovely - but the scene across the feathers made me gasp in awe!

  2. OMG! Gayatri, these are AMAZING!! They came together within an hour? You are superwoman! Wow! You SHOULD be proud. Beautiful work!

  3. congrats! gorgeous work, as always!


Thank you so much for taking time to visit my blog. Appreciate your comments. They mean a lot to me!
