
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Moxie Fab World Thanks

Welcome to Moxie Fab World Thanks Blog Hop!

You should have made your way here from Clare Buswell's Blog. If not it is OK you can find the entire list of participants for this Blog Hop at Moxie Fab World Blog.

Well this hop came about when we all heard about Cath of Moxie Fab World leaving Papercraft and therefore Moxie Fab World. It was a shock to me and just couldn't believe it for a while. I went through all the stages of grief. Cath and her work at Moxie Fab World has been a great inspiration for me ever since I found the blog a few years ago. And as all the designers started talking about it on facebook, Keren Baker came up with this idea of doing a blog hop for Cath. Very soon there were so many designers joining the hop that I think it is the biggest blog hop I have known. That show the love we have for Cath.

I like to make a toast to thank Cath for the best times at Moxie Fab World. So here is my card for Cath. For the best times!

I went for a trendy freestyle card for Cath because I love the trend talk post. 
Here is a closeup of the card.

 Thank you so much Cath for the inspirations you have given through Moxie Fab World. You are Moxie Fab to me always:) All the best for your future. 

Now your next hop stop is to Laurel Seabrook's Blog.

 I am sure you will need a cuppa and probably few days to get through all the blogs. 
Have a great day hopping.

 photo gayatri_signature_zpsac2827ca.png


  1. This is too amazing for words, Gayatri! Cath will adore it!

  2. This is so eclectic & fun, Gayatri! It's fab!!

  3. You seriously rock the freestyle! this is awesome.

  4. Amazballs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Beautiful card! Love all the layers and the great blending of colors!

  6. Love your unique and eclectic card for Cath, Gayatri!! Hugs, Darnell

  7. Awesome G! Your cards & YOU inspire me :) Hugs Bev x

  8. A fabulous card Gayatri. I'm taking my time visiting the blogs... sampling one or two here and there...

  9. His is such a great design! You have tons of fabulous elements and colors coming together perfectly!

  10. so in love with the layering on this, Gayatri!! gorgeous card!

  11. Fantastic design! I just love this!

  12. Really unique and stunning colors! Super trendy, too. All the layers make me so happy. Beautiful card, Gayatri. :)

  13. Gorgeous!!! All the lovely embellishments in one! Thanks so much for being part of this epic blog hop!

  14. Super fun card! Love all the light bright colours and layers.

  15. Gayatri what a great card, so funky and cool. Perfect for Cath!

  16. This is amazing!!!! I love all the little details!

  17. Love the fun collage and what a great idea to propose a toast to Cath! Cheers!

  18. I'm on my second cuppa ;) Prolly going to take me half the week!
    I love every perfectly placed element - the sequins, the twine, the gorgeous multicoloured chipboard...fabulous!

  19. My cuppa is gone cold next to me as I am so in awe of the amazing creations on this hop - including yours. Stunning!

  20. Gayatri, this card is so COOL! I really love how all the different elements work together to create a visually stunning work of art!

  21. Love your card... great colors and elements!

  22. Oh my gosh! I love this card!
    I've tried my hand at this freestyle's NOT easy. Yours is fabulous!

  23. Love this! I am loving your use of soft pretty colors lately. Amazing!

  24. Oh my!! This card is AWESOME!! It is like I am in a fantasy land! Love it very much :)

  25. Love, love, love! AWESOME card!! :)

  26. Fabulous! Really love the colours!

  27. Thank you so much for this trendilicious card, Gayatri! I absolutely *love* it! Thanks, also, for your kind words and the support you have given me and the Moxie Fab World. I appreciate it all more than I can say. Hugs and loves to you, my ever moxie fab friend! :)

  28. Gorgeous card, Gayatri! Perfect for Cath! Very trendy! :-)

  29. This card is so utterly amazing, I'm actually at a loss for words!! I guess it's how bright and fun it is that strikes me the most! Fantastic card Gayatri!! Thanks so much for being a part of this event with us!

  30. This is completely stunning- looks really fresh and different! I'm afraid I'm a very slow hopper and I've been doing it backwards too! Thanks so much for joining with the hop! x


Thank you so much for taking time to visit my blog. Appreciate your comments. They mean a lot to me!
