
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Final Day Stencil Class Card - Congrats

I am sad that the Stenciled class finished :-( I enjoyed this class so much and although I knew few techniques, I liked watching videos of how it is being done. I am a visual person and videos help a lot.  And this makes me try them out. Once I actually make a card using the technique, the techniques stays with me like forever. Thank you so much to all the fantastic teachers. Great work with the class. 

The final day videos are awesome. I wanted to see the bird card from the time I saw it on the sneak peeks. Julie, I LOVE that card, the colours and texture of the embossed card is just fantastic. I came back from the gym and first thing I did was to get working on embossing with stencil technique. So here is my card.

Congrats card

Luckily I have the Mini echoes stencil and I went ahead and embossed it on the white cardstock. After sponging, I wanted to add some texture. So I spattered some plain water. That cute bird from Hero Arts is out of stock for a long time from SSS. I finally gave up and made my order. Anyway, I have this gorgeous bird from The Craft's Meow stamp set called Happy as a Lark. Perfect to stamp and finish off the card. Love how my card turned out. Pretty much similar to Julie's card except the colours, sentiment and bird.

Well I cooked my cuttlebug plates in my oven yesterday. I didn't want to throw out my well loved warped plates. I wanted to try and flatten them. So I covered them in foil, put on baking tray with heavy pyrex containers on top of the plates. I cooked it for 30 minutes at 150 fan forced. When they came out, it was FLAT! and all the papers stuck between the cuts all fell off. I am so impressed. Now I have couple more plates to use :) This is not my idea. I read it from Pinterest. what will I do without Pinterest lol!

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Fabulously done! Love the color combo. What a great idea re: the CB plates too! Gotta love Pinterest!!


  2. Thanks for the tip about flatting out your plates and I Love your card too.

  3. gorgeous card Gayatri. And awesome idea to straighten out the plates. I have about 6 B plates due to picking them up on sale last year.

  4. Love your card and thanks for the tip about flattening your plates! Awesome!

  5. This is beautiful! I'm a big fan of turquiose and nailed it!

  6. Love the background pattern and the colors on your card. Very nice!

  7. I just finished the class (hey! don't judge!) and I love your colors on this card!

  8. I love how your card came out. The water drops really add to it.


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