
Friday, March 7, 2014

The making of my craftroom

As most of you know from my Facebook that my hubby gave me a craft room for my birthday. Well I wanted to tell y'all how it all came about.
 I had pinned this DIY project from Apartment Therapy on Pinterest and showed it to my husband because I thought it was a great idea. He looked at it and said, 'Ummm, yeah!' Not much of interest shown. I showed him many pictures I found on Pinterest and I always got the same response. He must've been bored of me showing him so many pictures lol! This was about 3 weeks ago. Then a week later a couple of trades people came home. My husband had an hallelujah moment and suddenly realised it was a great idea and could be done at home. He had arranged for construction to go ahead as a surprise. So the process of making a craft room began. Here is a collage picture of the process.

Craft room collage

Although it is tiny, I love this room because everything is within an arm's reach. Mum and Dad can have the guest bedroom for themselves.  I still have to organise my supplies so that I can use the storage efficiently. I will get that done over a period of time. So excited about my space and blessed to have a supportive hubby.

Thanks for sharing my excitement.

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  1. How awesome is this?! Thanks so much for sharing. I love a small space and having everything within arms reach. Enjoy!!!

  2. Oh, I'm SO excited! I wish I had a void to fill, lol! What a wonderful hubby you have, Gayatri. The small space looks like you will be able to organise it well to work for you. :-)

  3. Genius use of that space! BONUS for natural light too! Looks fabulous...what an AWESOME birthday gift!

  4. Your hubby is a keeper! Fabulous space :)

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  7. Oops! Sorry was logged into my hubby's Google account the first time - here is my comment:

    This is wonderful! Moving from a smaller craft room to an even SMALLER space myself, I'm curious how big the overall space is? I am a fan of smaller spaces myself, I do enjoy having everything in arm's reach and it keeps me from making even bigger messes! I'm more productive when I have less stuff distracting me. Bravo, I just love it!

  8. Totally amazing, Gayatri. . . both your new scrap room and husband :)

  9. LOVE your new "little" room! How fabulous to use that type of space....never would have thought of this! Enjoy it!!!

  10. WOW!! This is awesome, Gayatri!! I had no idea that you could "fill" an open space like that. Quite honestly, I often prefer a more cozy entrance to a house rather than feeling like you've just stepped into a cavern. So you get the cozy entrance plus a craft space ... bonus!! Thanks so much for sharing this idea : )

  11. That's awesome. I wish I have a nice organized space to craft!

  12. How wonderful and what a clever use of space Gayatri, your husband sounds great!

  13. Smart idea for these kinds of how things are within arms reach. Have fun!

  14. Forget the craft room. Can you just clone your husband for me? You must be as awesome a wife as you are a crafter. You deserve it!

  15. Oh. My. Gosh! What an amazing gift! And it's so exciting to have a space of your very own! Your DH is wonderful to have done this for you. Just fantastic! Doing a little happy dance for you : ) Bev

  16. Congratulations and what a wonderful gift!! So excited for you!! And I love the colours you chose - very calming and chic!!

  17. congrats on your new space! looks awesome!

  18. This is amazing! What a brilliant idea!


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