
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Housewarming Par tay!

Hey everyone, It is me again. This is my third post for today. Here is my CASE Study Challenge post and Create A Smile new release Blog Hop.

So what is this housewarming party I am talking about? My good friend Catherine Pooler is celebrating the launched her new website. 

I am participating and celebrating with her. Excited! As part of the celebrations, Catherine is also having a challenge. Of course, there are tons of prizes by some awesome sponsors worth $300 and one year subscription to StampNation. How good is that? 

So theme of the challenge is HOME. It can mean a house, family, love…you can even use the letters of the word HOME for inspiration (H-alloween, O-mbre, M-ixed Media, E-mboss).  Get creative and have fun!

Here is my card for inspiration.

Congratulations vertical

Congratulations closeup

I have made this colourful congratulations card to wish Catherine on the launch of her new gorgeous website. so congratulations, Catherine on your new website. It is beautiful, with nice readable fonts and user friendly. 

You should have known or heard of StampNation either through Catherine, myself or several designers. StampNation is a great online community for cardmakers full of tutorials, videos, gallery full of inspiration and forum full of great discussion. It is a great source for any cardmaker from beginner to advanced. Check out all about StampNation HERE.

I am giving away one month free subscription to StampNation. Please leave a comment on my blog by 17th September and I will pick a winner on 18th. For more details on how to play, head over to Catherine's Blog.

Thanks for stopping by!

My blog signature


  1. That is such a great stamp and your card is really nice too. . .

  2. Love the colorful rays beaming out from behind the house!

  3. A very colorful bright card.

  4. Love this Gayatri! Your colorful sunburst is beautiful!

  5. I like the rays behind the house and the colors you used.

  6. Pretty congratulations card! I love the colors! Great house stamp too!

  7. How charming is this! What a cheerful and happy "welcome" card - love the rays of color behind the charming lil house :) And, of course, what home isn't complete without the hearts of love! Gorgeous card! TFS! ♥

  8. I have a card making class every month for two groups of ladies. It gets hard coming up with new ideas every month.
    I would love to get a chance to try out StampNation.

  9. Wonderful card, love
    the bright colors and
    the sunshine look!
    Carla from Utah

  10. What a cheerful, uplifting card! It looks like it could be used for a new home or new baby or even just good news in the household! Thanks for the chance to win the opportunity to try out StampNation! Have a great day!

  11. Gorgeous card! I love the wood hearts and the rays of color.

  12. Superb card!!! Love the colourful rays behind the home!!!
    I would love to get a chance at Stampnation!!

  13. this is just so pretty Gayatri. the colours are simply beautiful. Love the flowers you have on your table as well.

  14. Love the colorful rays coming from behind the house. Lovely card. I have always loved Catherine's cards and will be sure to pay a visit to her blog.

  15. Love the rays behind the house. Very celebratory! tfs hugs, Kristina

  16. This is absolutely beautiful Gayatri. The soft pastel colours work so well together and create such a pretty card. I adore the house stamp and am loving seeing it used in so many unique ways. xx

  17. Great cards for Catherine! I follow her youtube channel and would live to try her StampNation:-)

  18. Great card, love the beautiful colours you chose.

  19. Adorable card! StampNation looks interesting!

  20. This would be a beautiful card for my nephew and his new bride that just moved into their first home. The hearts coming off your pink banner are the perfect touch.


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