
Friday, October 3, 2014

StampNation World Card Making Day - Australia!

Hello everybody,

We at StampNation have started celebrating World Card Making Day early. Yay!

Since World Card Making Day starts at different times at different countries over the world, StampNation designers will post their cards inspired by different locations around the world at different time zones across the world. This first one is Australia!

This is a beautiful picture of the coral reefs at Great Barrier Reef in Australia. What beautiful colours? Here is a sneak peek of my card inspired by this gorgeous picture.

Dream in for australia sneak peek

Want to join us and play along WCMD challenges? Become a member at StampNation and play along with me. There are fantastic tutorials, videos, gallery full of inspiration and great chat room. So you will have fun and learn new things at the same time at StampNation.

There is no challenge without prizes. these are some fantastic companies sponsoring prizes.

So join us at StampNation and celebrate World Card Making Day!

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1 comment:

  1. Your card is stunning looking Gayatri. The coral on the Great Barrier Reef is stunning. I've been out to it near Cairns and was amazed by the beautiful coral and sea life.


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