
Saturday, February 21, 2015

A farewell!

Hello Folks,

I am sad to say that I am stepping down as StampNation Design Team Member. I am stepping down because I am going back to school to study Interior Design. I love designing especially Interior designing. Now that both my children are in high school, I decided it is time for me to do what I like and want to do the most. 

I have throughly enjoyed my time at StampNation. It is a great community of warm and welcoming members. It is also a great resource to learn, share and get inspired. So if you like to  learn more about StampNation, CLICK HERE.

I also like to thank Catherine Pooler for having me in her design team. She is one of the nicest person in the craft industry. Very organised and flexible. Great to work with. So a big hug and all the best to her and StampNation.

Here are some of my work I shared at StampNation

Thanks for stopping by!

My blog signature


  1. Beautiful cards!! Best wishes for your new adventure! Enjoy going back to school :)

  2. ALL your cards are incredible Gayatri! I'm so excited for you, you have such a great eye for style, colour and design, I know you are going to love it!

  3. Your inspiration at StampNation will be missed Gayatri. But you will be busy doing your course and no doubt doing it well. Your skill with colours and design will take you far. Good luck my friend.

  4. We will miss you at Stamp Nation but good luck with your studies Gayatri! If your beautiful cards are anything to go by, you will make a great interior designer.

  5. What a stunning selection of cards Gayatri. Wishing you all the best with your future studies, I think it's amazing you are going back to school, I'm all for that, being a mature student myself :) I think you will be a great interior designer, you have such an eye for colour and detail. I wish you every success!

  6. All the best for your studies Gayatri :) :) :)

  7. Beautiful cards, Gayatri! Good luck with your studies! I hope you share some of your design ideas with us as you learn. :-)

  8. Stunning cards, Gayatri - they show your amazing flair for colour and design! You are welcome to come and provide me with some interior design advice any time :) Good luck with your studies - it sounds very exciting!

  9. Gayatri, wonderful works! I wish you good luck and persistence with your studies, sometimes it's difficult to be back to school :)

  10. Your work is always so good!!! Best of luck in your studies <3

  11. Your work is consistently gorgeous. Fun to hear that you're going back to school...kudos to you!

  12. Will miss seeing your inspiring creations, Gayatri. Good luck in your future endeavor...I know you will be great at it!
    Hugs, Sistah...
    Sunshine Sharon

  13. Good for you and what a fabulous thing to study!! Pretty card Gayatri, I know they will miss you!

  14. Bravo for following your dream...and the best of luck towards your success. Always enjoy your work so much. If your decorating skills are anything like your card designs, you will most assuredly prosper in your new venture.

  15. You will be greatly missed at StampNation! I wish you all the best in your pursuit of your dreams. With you eye for design and color, I know you will far exceed your wildest dreams. Come back and visit us when you get a chance.

  16. Gorgeous cards. Yeah for you following your dream too :) Soooo excited for you!

  17. So sorry to see you leave the DT Guyatri but to pursue a career is wonderful! Best wishes on your dream! Come and back a visit us as often as you can! Hugs from "thecircleguru", Ally!

  18. Beautiful cards!! All the best for your new venture!!

  19. How exciting for you! Good luck!

  20. Good for you! I am glad that you are following your dream. You will be missed over SN! All the best!

  21. Beautiful cards! Good luck with your studies - sounds wonderful!

  22. No more cards from you? I enjoyed viewing all your stunning pieces; I'm sure your artistic talents will take you far in your interior design career.

  23. Beautiful set of cards Gayatri. Good luck with your school! Enjoy it! :)

  24. How exciting! Best wishes to you in your studies! You have such a fabulous eye for design, you're sure to be a natural!


Thank you so much for taking time to visit my blog. Appreciate your comments. They mean a lot to me!
