
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Felt flower headbands!

Hello everyone,

How have you all been? I was away for a week on holiday in Singapore. It is term #1 holidays here for my children. Hubby and I decided to have a break from the routine and had a great time. So many fun things to do in Singapore and most importantly so much good food to eat :) Yes, we ate like pigs for five days. Yummy delicious South Indian food and probably put on some weight as well. lol! But now I am back home and wanted to share with you a couple of projects I made using newly released Taylored Expression dies and their colourful felt.

I have used Bloomin' Stacklets 3 and Bloomin' Accessories dies released this month.

Bloomin' Stacklets 3 Bloomin' Accessories

And I created flowers and leaves using these dies and the gorgeous felts from Taylored Expressions. Then attached them on to my daughter's head bands.

Headband #11

Headband #14

Headband #12

I love the felt colours from Taylored Expressions. There are pretty pastels, neutrals and vibrants colours. Being a bright girl, I went for bright colour combination.I will list all the felt colours used towards the bottom of the post for you. Here is another.

Headband #21


headband #2

For more inspiration using these new dies, check out Taylored Expressions Gallery under the dies board and the dies are available for purchase at the store.

Supplies list:

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1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous headbands Gayatri. I loved visiting Singapore too. Chinatown has amazing food and I loved the Botanical gardens too. Glad you had a great break.


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