
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Helping Hudson …. A Wheely Good Cause.

Who is Hudson and what is the cause?
Hudson is a 2 1/2 year old boy. Before he was born, at 27 weeks of preganacy he was diagnosed with Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum, which basically means the central part of his brain connecting the two halves is underdeveloped.He has a condition called Optic Nerve Hypoplasia with Nystagmus. This is a damage to the optic nerve, which means his brain finds it difficult to interpret what he sees.He is also diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy.He is on medication and receives extensive physiotherapy.Hudson is unable to make his body do what he wants it to do. His family and friends wish to see the smile on his face when he makes his first move on his own. A special wheelchair for him called Kid Walker will help him take his first steps. It costs $5000/- So a group of Stampin' Up! demonstrators  touched by Hudson's story joined to help.

The Helping Hudson team are a group of Stampin' Up! ® demonstrators. Being a part of Stampin’ Up! is so much more than just cardstock, ribbon, inks and stamps ... friendships and camaraderie develop when groups of like minded women get together.Through discussions we came to see that a KidWalker would make such a difference to this little boy’s development and help him progress another step on the road towards independence, and together we decided to work on a project to help raise the funds.

So the team set up a website. Here is the link to the website: Its a website to set up for some stamping challenges, tutorials to raise money for Hudson's Kid Walker.You can read more about Hudson here. Its a three week bonanza of challenges and stamping fun. There are bundles of tutorials catagorised under different themes. 

You can help Hudson by buying the tutorials and participating in the challenges.There are 6 tutorial bundles with 10 tutorials in each bundle and cost just $10 AUD each bundle. Which equates to just $1 AUD per tutorial. If you buy 4 or more tutorials you get a technique tutorial bundle free. So hop on to the website tomorrow and you will be sure you can find a tutorial bundle that you like. And participate in challenges and have fun and enjoy the prizes from Stampin' Up!

Spread the word by grabbing button from "Spread the Word" page and putting it on your blog and get the word to as many of friends and family as you can.Let’s get together to show our support for this lovely little boy. Together we crafty ladies can help him see the world from a different angle. Let’s all pitch in to get Hudson on the move.

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