
Saturday, July 31, 2010

I started making.....

Christmas tags and cards! This is the first time I am making them so early! But thinking of the number of tags and cards I need to make, I better start now! Here are the tags.

Cardstock: SU's Kiwi Kiss, Kraft and PTI's Stamper's Select White.
Stamp Sets: PTI's Stocking Prints, Mega Mixed Messages and Fancy Flourishes
Inkpads: SU's Real Red , Whisper White and Basic Black
Accessories: SU's eyelets, Spellbinder's label one dies and PTI's Matstack die

And I made three school tags. One each for my kids and one for my DD Aditi's friend's birthday. These tags, I CASEd from Heather Nichols. You can find it here. Here is mine. I have changed the colors a little and not added the heart shape with button.

I wanted these tags to be waterproof  because I like them so much and don't want them to be destroyed  during rainy days. So I laminated them, then punched the hole and added the ribbon. My kids loved them. They will wear their bags proudly to school on Monday! lol! Thanks Heather for sharing your school tags, they are just gorgeous.
I have been busy making some 60 bookmarks for school library. Will share them with you tomorrow. I also have couple of birthday gifts to make which I will share on Monday.
Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend.


  1. I love these.. not sure I can start thinking about summer. Please come and visit my blog too!

    Jessica Lynn

  2. wooow...Love all the tags Gayatri!! beautiful work...all that beautiful flourish that is perfectly stamped! beautiful!

  3. Wonderful, Gayatri! Your Christmas tags are adorable (love the colors) and good for you for starting early! The backpack tags are great too--your kids are going to be so proud of them!

  4. YOur tags are awesome! Great idea with laminating the last set of tages--I'm going to do that!

  5. Awesomely made tags.... A sure treasure to the receiver..... Love the whole idea of spreading cheers the festive season..... Makes the giver & the receiver, both happy.... Because that is all that matters at the end of the day..... God Bless!!!


  6. Oh my, I love, love, LOVE those Christmas tags! So unique, clever and awesome.

  7. Oh my....the tags are awesome! Especially the Christmas tags. Now I need the Stocking Prints stamps.

  8. Those Christmas tags are adorable! And good for you for starting so early - you'll be so glad you did.

  9. Those Christmas tags are beautiful. Now I think Stocking Prints & Fancy Florishes are going to have to go back in my cart! And I just love the bookmarks too - what a lovely gift for your library!


  10. Really cute holiday tags Gayatri! And I love the tags for your kids too. I love that set from PTI. Naz


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