
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Celebrate Everyday!

What do you do when you have flu and no energy to get out of bed and do chores? Go on Pinterest and keep pinning :) That is what I was doing for past two days. I very recently repinned this picture from somebody into my "Inspirational Patterns" board.

I love the colourful graphics on the background and wanted to recreate it.

Celebrate Everyday!

Cardstock: Stampers Select White from PTI
Stamp sets: Grunge Me, Flight of a Butterfly and Day Dreamer from PTI, Extreme Elements from SU, The Silhouette stamp is from Inkidinado. Sorry don't know the name of the set. Celebrate Everyday from Hero Arts
Inks: Bubblegum, Sage, Watermelon, Ocean, Papaya, Lemon, Cherry ffrom Amuse Inks, Stazon Black Ink,Perfect Plum and Crumb Cake from SU

I am entering it for Papercraft Connection''s March Gallery Challenge. Hope you like my take on the inspirational picture. Thanks for stopping by! 

Pin It


  1. Oh My Gosh...This is gorgeous...You have re-created the look so Perfectly....It looks so Amazing !!

  2. Delightfully fun, cheery, bright - and beautiful. Great combo of images. Bet you win! I'm saving this to CASE sometime. Hope you are feeling better. It took my husband and I one week before we felt like doing anything. That was yesterday. Now I have 5 loads of laundry to fold. And dusting to do.

  3. Oh.My.Goodness!!!! Oh my! Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!!!!! Apart from the fact that I can't believe you're stamping with the flu, this card is amazing. I can't think of a bigger word to use. The most amazing of amazing cards. Stupendous! REALLY! If you don't win with this card, there must be some other super-powered card maker out there, this is brilliant and inspired. Great work, Gayatri!

  4. This is awesome! Hope you feel better!

  5. Oh Wow! You did an amazing job of recreating this background and image. I agree with all of the comments you received for this card. Crazy brilliant.

  6. Oh THIS is why I need silhouette people stamps - I could never figure it out. This is absolutely gorgeous and would be perfect for a teen girl!

  7. Wow! This is incredible. You gained inspiration from pinning that image, and now I gained inspiration by pinning your card! Thanks :)

  8. This is just so bright and fun.

  9. Such a bright happy card. I love it. You are so good at looking at a photo and recreating. You know you are SO enabling me to buy the Grunge set. It's been on my wishlist for a long time.

  10. Awesome! And while you were sick! Get better soon.
    I'm a bit under the weather too, so I'll visit Pinterest. :)

  11. Get well soon dear. You've got amazing creations. Love your colors on this card. :)

    Perth Day Spas

  12. amazing. Hope you feel better soon.

  13. Absolutely gorgeous card and great use of your inspiration photo. :)

  14. Super super super stamping!!! Love how it looks so alike, maybe even better than the original image!
    I would say a job well done!
    hope you feel better soon! :)

  15. WOW! This is just fantastic. Love the colours & how you have really took inspiration from the photo above! Feel Better Soon xx

  16. I am stuck for words... this is stunning Gayatri!!

  17. I love this card!!! It is so clever and wonderful I just want to dance looking at it. Thanks for sharing!

  18. Very lovely card Gayathri! I really adore your work. I have an award for you at my blog. Please visit to view and accept it :)


  19. Amazing. Beautiful. Spunky. Uplifting. Love it. Can't believe you made this when you were feeling lousy!


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