
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Inspired by Pinterest

Afternoon! I am happy to be back blogging today. Until last night I was unable to even sit up for more than 2 hours. The cough is persistant, vomiting, eyes burning, nose block and body aches. I cannot recall being this ill before :( I have given bloods,swabs, sputum and chest x-ray and waiting for the results. On antibiotics and steriods and hoping I will get better fully after this weekend.

I am planning to do a "Inspired by Pinterest" section every week. I will select a picture from my Inspirational Patterns board and use it as an inspirational to make a project. It can be anything from card, to set of card to frame or even invitation sets...What do you think? It will be fun and if you like to join and make a project using the picture then, I will post a linky. It depends on how many responses I get today, Ok!

For today's inspirational picture, I chose this one.

And my project is a frame.


My Wplus9 order arrived couple of weeks ago and love their latest release dies that coordinate with their stamp set called Folk Arts Florals. When I saw this picture on Pinterest, these dies from Wplu9 came to my mind immediately and so I pinned the picture.

In a brief period of wellness yesterday, I diecut the birdhouses and then slowly worked towards making this frame. I love the colours - all neutral. Hope you like it.So if you find this picture inspirational and make a project, then leave a comment with a link to your project. Also let me know if you like to play with me ever Thursday :)

Cardstock: GinaK Pure Luxury White cardstock, Close to Cocoa, Sand Sahara from SU
Stamp sets: Woodgrain Silhouettes and Folk art Florals from Wplus9
Accessories: White frame from local store.

Thanks for stopping by!

Pin It


  1. I love an inspired-by-pinterest weekly post! and I always adore your framed art! btw, I'm still lol-ing at your comment from last week where your son will agree to marry a woman, IF she knows how to cook indian food! I was such a disappointment to my indian MIL... she had so much to teach me :)

  2. I would like to join you. This kind of a challenge is difficult for me but makes me stretch my abilities. I have a stamp set I can use for this one. I hope others join you. I also hope you are feeling better. You sound like you have been miserable.

  3. Will try to join in..not sure if I have the supplies..but then that's the challenge!

  4. This is amazing Gayatri! And to think you came up with this while you were ill?! Mad skills woman! TFS and I hope you are feeling better very soon.

  5. Gorgeous! Love it! Such a great idea :)

  6. Great idea. I love what you have created from the inspiration. I'd have it on display thats for sure. Thanks for the lovely comments on my blog & I do hope you feel better soon xx

  7. I just love your blog - your work is always simply beautiful. I left you a little award on my blog - thanks for the inspiration!

  8. So sorry to hear that you are still sick. Hope you are better soon. Your card is fabby--better than I could do on a healthy day for sure. I love your idea of the challenge, and will try to participate, as time permits.

  9. 'cept it's not a card. Sorry. Still loved all the bird and their houses.

  10. Love your take on that fabulous pin. Hope you feel better real soon! I would love to play, cross my fingers I find the time... I'm on holidays and nowhere near my crafty stuff... and I'm totally feeling it.

  11. stunning... I'm pinning your frame onto my board Gayatri. It's wonderful

  12. Wow!!! I think I have to order these dies just so I can CASE this!! I love it!


Thank you so much for taking time to visit my blog. Appreciate your comments. They mean a lot to me!
