
Friday, March 16, 2012

Wish Big!

I always tell my daughter Aditi that she should aim for the sky. Doesn't matter if she lands up on a tree top :) As we live in outback Australia, things are generally laid back compared to the cities. We love it but not when it comes to education.
 Schools here are generally happy with what ever the child does. No encouraging the child to do more or help with extension work appropriate to the child's potential. So my daughter just does the bare minimum and is happy. She has the potential and has got academic achievement award last year. She says that she has to blend in with the rest or else other kids doesn't play with her :( But my son Sid likes to stand out in class and puts in extra effort. He does not care if he is liked or not by other kids.
Now that we are moving to the city end of this year, suddenly it stuck Aditi that she needs to put in more effort. She wants to get into the same school as Sid (he is goiing to a gifted and talented school) Now she is putting in extra effort and liking her results.  She did it for last week's homework and was appreciated in class. So she is all thrilled :)  I am like "YES!"
Ok I got distracted! Which mother does not like talking about their kids right? 
Anyway, I received my first Paper Smooches package and love all the new modern stamps :) I was drawn to the kite and clouds stamp because of the background conversations with my daughter about reaching for the sky :) lol! So I inked the set and made a card for Aditi hoping it will remind her to put in her best always :)
Cardstock: White from PTI
Stamp set: Cut Loose from Paper Smooches, Sentiments from PTI
Inks: Hero Arts Hues Night Chalk Ink
Accessories: scrap paper from stash
Love this stamp. And I have to ink the Hip to be Square BG stamp.
 Lunch now and then ink the stamp :) 

Oh! I am getting better. Definitely feeling so much better than yesterday.Thanks so much for your get well wishes. They made me feel so much better emotionally and stay positive. Cannot wait to get my voice back. Awaiting all lab results to know whats the cause. Chest is clear from X-ray. So no Pneumonia which is good news. Hopefully by next week all results will be in to know if it is bacterial or viral!
Thanks so much for stopping by!

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  1. Its a lovely card dear..get well soon :)

  2. Love this card, Gayatri! And I love your story about your daughter. When you have a bright child it is a challenge to help them understand the benefits of working hard (when they can cruise and get acceptable results). I'm with you, if you have the talent, then you should use it! :-) I bet your daughter loved this card.

    Are you moving to Perth, or are you making a bigger move and joining us on the east coast? :-)

  3. Hi Gayatri.... for some reason you stopped coming up on my reader... so a bit to catch up on. Sorry to hear you've been unwell. Loved hearing about your family. And what a neat card for your daughter.

  4. Isn't it nice when your child really gets the bug to do well. Love that! So glad to hear you're finally on the mend - seems like you've been sick a while. Yuck! Lovely card!

  5. Glad you are on the mend. This is such a bright and inspiring card. I love the two sentiments paired together, and those clouds are so darling. Your daughter sounds a bit like my youngest. And, how nice when they come into their own and want to push themselves. I remember my daughter telling me about all the kids who did worse than her on a test where she did OK, but could have done better. Where are those type-A genes when you need them?


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