
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Be Adventurous!

Happy Tuesday Everybody!

A quick share today.
 I played with some Deasy Design's digital stamps using photoshop over the weekend.
I had some time colour yesterday and here is the card I made.

How cute is that image? I enjoyed adding the clouds on the background and three images at different sizes and the sun. Also I like how the card is balanced diagonally from the sun across to the sentiment, covering the entire plane in the center. I love how this card came together beautifully! Just not very happy with the colours on the balloons though:(

Thanks so much from stopping by!

Have a great day!

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  1. So cute and Fun!!! this card make me happy :) Thank you Gayatri!!

  2. I saw this over on Flickr and was intrigued with this... it is so cute.


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