
Monday, August 13, 2012

Keep Calm and.....

 Monday today. What should I say? Not a great start to the week for me. Woke up this morning to find Charlie, my dog had chewed up his bed to bits:(  This is this third bed in 6 months and I am very frustrated. He has plently of toys, bones around the house and he chooses to chew his bed!!!  I have to get to this habit of his and sort it out, very soon.
Anyway,  sharing a card I made for Moxie Fab World's Minty Fresh Challenge.

I have used  Vintage Rides Stamp Set from The Craft's Meow on my card. I love minty green scooters. I remember my dad had one of them. A Vespa Green scooter. Very beautiful and retro with shiny chrome rim. We were sad to let it go for a car when my brother came along. Mmm!

So, I stamped the scooter on a Aqua Mist cardstock and cut it out. I paired the green scooter with a retro pink colour background to highlight it. I kept the card simple and colour blocking works with retro. The sentiment suits my current situation lol!  I love it. Hope you do too.
 Thanks for stopping by! 
I will plan to sort out Charlie's chewing habit.

Oh! I have a great news to share soon:)

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  1. gorgeous card Gayatri. Hope you can cure Charlie's chewing...

  2. What a funky and fresh colour the sentiment too :0)
    Jenny x

  3. Hi Gayatri, cute card!!

    Our dog scratches at her bed/mat and the latest one I bought hardly lasted a week before she had ripped the bone applique off it and has since put a hole right though it with stuffing all over the place! The one that has lasted the longest was a corduroy one but I haven't been able to find any like it since.... I hope you can find a solution soon!!

  4. I adore all scooters (it's my main mode of transport)! I especially adore the 'minty' version!

  5. Cute card, Gayatri. I thought you were going to "keep calm and ride off into the sunset" after seeing Charlie's bed all chewed up as soon as I saw your card. LOL. Then I saw your comment.

    So now what are you going to sleep on, Charlie?

  6. Brilliant - Vespas are so cool :)

    Ooops, naughty Charlie....

  7. Great card. Love just that touch of mint with the peach.

  8. Lovely card! Love the contrast of peach with mint. I've not been brave enough to take on the Trigger yet!

  9. Hey Gayatri! Thanks for linking this up to the Minty Fresh Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)


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