Thursday, December 16, 2010

Taking a break!

Hi Everybody, 
Just letting know that I am taking a break for a few weeks. Going on a holiday so I will not be able to post regularly. But there will be some scheduled posts of course! When I get to the destination and get the internet connection, I will  do some photo updates :)

Wishing you and your family,

Merry Christmas 


Happy and Prosperous New Year 2011!

Have a great time during the festive season and take care of yourself and your loved ones:)

See you in the New Year :)


Priya Venkat Designs said...

Hey...have a great holiday. The weather in Chennai is just beautiful right now. Come and enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Have a great journy! sure gonna miss you in PTI forums and will miss yourbeautiful creations! have a good time...:)

Karen said...

Safe Travels Gayatri! I look forward to seeing some holiday pics!

Luv Karen