Sunday, June 13, 2010

OLW- Masking

Morning everybody,

Today I have a card for One layer Challenge- Masking. here is the card.

I  punched out a butterfly and use the negative to mask and sponged the pink and orange colors.Senitment is from PTI's Butterfly Dreams. So cool technique. Thanks Susan.
Have a great weekend


Diane Jaquay said...

This is so pretty Gayatri! I love the coloring affect you achieved on the butterflies!

Anonymous said...

Gayatri, SOOO beautiful! I love the color it easy to do?!

Barbara said...

Really pretty, Gayatri! Love those colors.

Jennifer K said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous! Love that pink and orange together.

Anonymous said...

Lovely card Gayatri. Pink and orange on the butterflies looks really stiking. Priya

Mariana said...

So beautiful!!

Suzanne said...

Gayatri, this is beautiful. Love the butterflies.

Jen Carter said...

Very pretty one layered card!

Susan Raihala said...

Oh my goodness! I would never have put pink and orange together like this and it's sooooo pretty! Love the movement and joy in this card, Gayatri! Thanks so much for playing along.

Donelda said...

your sponged on colors are wonderful, they feel like sunset butterflies!!