Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Thinking of you....

Afternoon everybody,

A nice day here in Kalgoorlie. Sunny but only 20 degrees C. I had a nice walk around the town shopping for bits and pieces. And now home doing house chores. Cannot escape that can we? Atleast lunch is done. I managed to make a card during by break from the chores. Hehe! the mop and bucket is next to me. I just dropped it down to make the card. lol! I wanted to send this card to my friend in Perth. She moved there earlier this year and haven't heard from her for past two months. So here is the card I made for her.

Its a CAS card. I have used Lilly of the Valley stamp set and colored the flowers and leaves using SU markers Cameo Coral and Green Galore. Senitment is also from the same set.
Off it goes in the post today to my friend. This card is a non challenge card. I have not done this thing in a while. Its always if I am making a card for somebody, I would rather use one of the challenges to make it. Just because it saves time planning the sketch or color. But this one being a CAS card, did not take more than 15 minutes to make. Actually the coloring took most of the time.
Anyway, the bucket and mop wants my attention :) So back to chores. 
See you all tomorrow. I also want to say thanks to those of you who take their time to visit my blog and leave a comment too. Appreciate it very much.



Debbie Gaydos said...

This is beautiful, great work with the Copics! I HAVE to get that set.

Anonymous said...

Ohh such a pretty card..love the coloring, so neat!

Jen Carter said...

Very pretty!

Barbara said...

Oh, so pretty! Love your colors and the simple design!

sillyleann said...

Great coloring!! I like how simple yet beautiful it is.

Banu said...

Beautiful coloring...Loved it. I get frustrated when bucket and mops come in between stamping..lol.. :D

Susan said...

So glad you took a break from your chores. This card is simply beautiful! I love CAS cards and this one is a fave for sure!!