Monday, September 20, 2010

Missed out...

I missed out on another ColorQ color challenge!!!!! I made my project using the colors but just did not get the time to take photo and post the project. Now the linky is closed.duh! This is the second time... Life had just taken over for me. I am hoping by start of school holidays, things will settle down. Anyway, here is their color challenge #50

Here is my project.

Its a pillowbox purse. I have seen a few of these online and so wanted to try it out. So I used the colors from ColorQ challenge #50 to make it. Its made using SU's pillow box and Top Note dies. 
Thanks for stopping by...Time to pick the kids from school and then go swimming...
Have a great week :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adorable Project! the colors are really pretty! Missing the deadline happened with me once too, Hope life slows down for you a bit!