Saturday, December 4, 2010

Recipe Box #2

I could not do a second post as promised. Life took over by midday until last evening :(  Its Saturday morning and its only now I was able find time to write up this post. DH and kids are sleeping in. They got to sleep in on a weekend after a very very long time.
Anyway, here is the second recipe box. This is for my DS Siddarth's teacher.

Oops! I forgot to take picture of the recipe cards. I will edit and include it today. This is one of the gift in the hamper. I am hoping to put together the hamper today.

I had a hair cut yesterday after a very very long time. My hair had grown too long and was getting difficult to manage especially in the summer. So I decided to chop it down to medium length to be able to manage is easily. Here is how I look today :)
Warning: No make photos coming up! So please don't get scared lol!

Wish my hair will remain the same everyday! The hairdresser was nice. She taught me how to use the large round brush and blow dry. So I am hoping I will give my hair some extra attention it deserves :)

Thanks for stopping by


Kim O'Connell said...

Oooooh! This came out great! What a great gift for the Holidays! Love that patterned paper and the recipe cards dividers are great!

Ingrid Danvers said...

What a wonderful recipe box.

Your new hairdo looks great, Gayatri. Love the straight hair. And you don't need make-up. You're beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Love the box and more than that, love your new hairdo!! love it, its really pretty! ur staylist done a great job here!!

Ash said...

U look good & so does ur creation, as always..... hugs))))


BethieJ said...

Gayatri I LOVE the recipe box.. what a WONDERFUL gift!! and You look FABULOUS.. love the new do! :)
Have a GREAT day!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous gift for the teacher! And you're looking gorgeous too! Love your hair do! :-)

Miriam Thomas said...

What a gorgeous gift for the teacher! And you're looking gorgeous too! Love your hair do! :-)

Ayana Posadas said...

I love your recipe box!
And your hair looks super PRETTY! :)

Karen said...

Gayatri - you look BEAUTIFUL girlfriend!! If I looked that good with no make up - I'd be more than happy! lol That new do is so you! (like my poetry?) lol

Your receipe box is fabo too - love the papers you've used!
